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The philosophy of the Forget-Me-Not collection


We are pleased to present our winter collection which we named after the most delicate flower that has a rich history and meaning behind its humble appearance - a Forget-Me-Not.

Forget Me Not is the official flower of Alaska and Dalsland, Sweden and it creates an abundance of tiny blue flowers. The common name "forget-me-not" was derived from the German Vergissmeinnicht, and was first used in English in 1398. How Forget Me not got its name is truly intriguing, because of numerous legends that surround its name.

One legend tells about a German knight and his lady wandering along the Danube riverbanks. The woman noticed gorgeous blue flowers, but the flow of the river had pulled them away, and they were about to disappear downstream. Her noble knight dove into the river to save the flowers. Sadly, the current was too strong for him. He threw the flowers over the edge and shouted “Forget me not” (‘vergiss mein nicht’ in German) as the river swept him out.

Thus the flower has become a symbol of remembrance of pure and unwavering love.

We dedicated this collection to tender love ballads, girls' fragile hearts that are waiting for true unending love, and, of course, a forget - me - not flowers.

The vocal point of our Forget-Me-Not collection is a Luna sweater. She was knitted by the hands of our incredibly talented artisans. Our goal was to create a sweater that would combine high quality and breathtaking comfort, so we chose a bulky, non-spiky yarn and knitted the sweater using two threads. Thus, we achieved weightlessness and at the same time an excellent ability to retain heat.

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